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There is a lot happening in Bosnia and Herzegovina currently. Stability is at-risk as Republka Srpska, Serbia, and Russia are ramping up their rhetoric, while the U.S., EU, and UN are not reacting swiftly enough.

I am the featured speaker at the 40th anniversary Greater Lafayette Holocaust Remembrance Conference (GLHRC) on December 9, 4:00-5:30 (PST ) called NEVER AGAIN: BOSNIA. I'll be giving an overview on what led to the genocidal campaign by nationalist Bosnian Serbs in the early 1990s. I'll then discuss my new book, And Still We Rise: A Novel about the Genocide in Bosnia. This truth-based fiction follows one family's struggle for survival in the concentration camps of Prijedor, and their journey to find the strength to regain their balance as refugees.

It's critical for understanding what's going on in Bosnia today, to know what happened in the genocide that began almost thirty years ago.

To register, please go to my website's Homepage and click on the GLHRC button.

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